Guidelines on the Implementation of Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2020-2021

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Guidelines on the Implementation of Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2020-2021


Annex 1 JDVP-TVL Application Form- 01212020

Annex 2 JDVP-TVL Cert. of Eligibility 01212020

Annex 3A JDVP-List of Excluded Learners 01212020

Annex 3B JDVP- Consolidated List 01212020

Annex 4 JDVP Certificate of Learners Mastery 01212020

Annex 5 JDVP-TVL Voucher Certificate 01212020

Annex 6 JDVP-TVL Summary of Learners Competencies and Equivalent Rating 01212020

Annex 7 JDVP-TVL Narrative 01212020

Annex 8 Billing Statement 01212020

Annex 9 JDVP-TVL SDO Certification 01212020

Annex 10 Authorization by Students 01212020

Annex 11 Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
