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Name and School: _LUBON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL_                               Specialization/Subjects Handled: __Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction/ ELECTIVE/ Media and                                                                                                                                                      Information Literacy / P.E. 11 - 12 / Philippine Politics and Governance/ E-TECH/_Understanding Culture Society and Politics/ IMMERSION/CULMINATING ACTIVITY


21st Century Literacies (1)

Level of Competency (2)

Target KSAV (3)

Self-Learning Activities (4)

Time Framework (5)

Support Resources Needed  (6)

Barriers/ Challenges  (7)

Solution/Action points (8)


I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Continue participation in activities promoting environmental protection and climate change adaptation (CCA) – tree planting, coastal clean-up, info-drives, etc.

      Continue attending conference on CCA, DRR, pollution, and environmental protection

      Seek membership in environmental group

      Continue and renew partnership with other Agencies

Year round

      Seminars/Activities/Programs conducted by Environmental Agencies Funds

      Offered outreach programs initiated by Dep-Ed, DENR and other environment concern agencies

      Financial Support

      Conflict of time to engage and participate outreach programs

      Seek financial assistance/Support

      Manage time and set priorities

      Time Scheduling

Cyberliteracy/Digital Literacy (Information and ICT Knowledge)

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Use strategically computers and other technologies

      Tap the expertise of colleagues and other experts who can coach and mentor me in improving ICT Skills

      Integrate ICT in teaching

      Attend computer related seminar workshop to acquire and develop skills in the use of computers, internet and other information technologies.

      Enroll  on courses  about Integrating/using ICT   most often   as   a   tool   of   learning process.

Year round

    Seminars/Programs/Activities required by the DepEd

    Funding for Online Classes

      Conflict time

      Insufficient Fund

      Ask permission/authority from proper DepEd officials

      Give/Set time for training/seminars

      Grab   the   opportunity   when there are seminars offered

      Seek financial assistance/Support

      Manage time and set priorities

Media Literacy

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Attend continuous advancement programs on teachers’ role as facilitator of learning

      Make use of different media in accessing, discerning, evaluating and producing information and communication

      Attend seminars-workshop on how to develop skills in integrating and using media as a tool of learning.

      Subscribe to daily informative news and lectures in internet

      Partnership with external experts to provide trainings workshop to train journalistic skills of the facilitator and learners.

Year round

Seminar-Workshops/ Trainings Funds Personal Funds Trainings/ workshops/Seminars funded by MOOE Sponsored Agencies/Departments Personal funds

·   Conflict of time

·   Insufficient Fund

·   Insufficient Funds

·   Absence of Sponsors

·   Lack of time due to overlapping school academic and extra-curricular activities

      Ask permission/ authority to the DepEd officials

      Give/Set time for trainings/seminars

      Grab the opportunity when there are seminars offered

      Manage time and set priorities

      Increase financial support percentage in funding trainings/workshops/seminar s for teachers

      Seek linkages and support from concerned and sponsored agencies

      Manage time and set priorities

The Arts and Creativity

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Download and study production of various art works

      Research professional articles / books on creative ways of problem – solving

      Partnership with external providers for creative and artistic activities

      Attend seminar-workshop on Enhancing Arts and Creativity skills in problem-solving conducted by partners.

      Research through web. Study and watch videos or the different principles of creative ways of problem solving through the production of various art works.

Year round


      Workshop Training Availability of internet Funds

      Arts skills not developed

      Conflict time with teaching period

      Insufficient    fund

      Intermittent Internet connection

      Lack of time doing research

      Give/Set time for trainings/seminars

      Grab the opportunity when there are free or not free seminars/trainings/workshop offered by the DepEd.

      Manage time and set priorities.

Financial Literacy

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Read books / articles about financial management

      Watch shows on TV and internet about financial independence and loan management

      Engage in entrepreneurial activities with family and common-goal friends

      Research on ways to integrate ICT and entrepreneurship lessons

      Engage in the activities regarding financial management (e.g. livelihood activities, entrepreneurship

      Research about doing budgeting and managing finances to achieve financial security

Year round

      Seminars/Programs/ Activities

      Funds to conduct activities

      Internet Connection

      Personal Funds

      Management skills is not developed

      No internet connection

      Lack of personal funds

      Lack of time

      Ask permission/ authority to the DepEd officials

      Give/Set time for trainings/seminars

      Grab the opportunity when there are seminars offered

      Seek financial assistance/support from internal/external stakeholders

      Manage time and set priorities

Social/Emotional Literacies

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Sustain membership in cause-oriented group

      Read scholarly articles / attend conferences about stress management

Year round

Support from civic or cause-oriented group

   Sustaining long-term membership in civic group

   Access to seminars / professional readings

   Establish trust and confidence with the group’s causes to sustain membership

   Ask professional advice on stress management

Globalization and Multicultural Literacy

I can do this but I need to learn more and improve

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, and Values

      Study and understand different cultures and global issues through online sources

      Work with colleagues of different orientations and backgrounds

      Continue partnership with NCIP certified organizations.

Year round

Internet connection

Unstable internet connection

Using other forms of media such as television and prints

Learner’s Signature: _____                                      Reviewed/Approved by: ____
