
The Various Media in the Age of Information: Characteristics of Broadcast Media

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Characteristics of Broadcast Media


Though both are considered broadcast media, radio and television differ in terms of the broadcast features or attributes.

Radio is a tool that uses voice, sound, and music. These three are called elements of radio. Because it lacks visual elements, producers of information in radio bank on these three elements to attract attention and convey the message.


The information in the modern Age: The Information Needs

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The Information Needs


Information Today INC defines information need as the motivation people think and feel to seek information. It is the reason why people go out of their way to find answers to their questions, or solutions to their problems.

Since it is such a broad subject, information needs can be further divided into two, demands and wants according to University of Washington.


The evolution of Media: The Concepts of Mass Media and Media Demassification

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The Concepts of Mass Media and Media Demassification


Mass Media

Mass media refer to channels of communication that involve transmitting information in some way, shape or form to large numbers of people. Dutton et al (1998) suggest that traditionally the mass media has been differentiated from other types of communication in terms of four essentials characteristics:

Read more: The evolution of Media: The Concepts of Mass Media and Media Demassification