
How to write a good PhD thesis and survive the viva

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The paper gives advice on how to write a good PhD thesis in a Computing subject in the UK — assuming that one has done interesting, novel academic work and “just” needs to write up. The context of this document relates to my experience, opinion and practice in various roles as supervisor, examiner or examination panel chair in more than two dozens of PhD examinations. What I have expressed here is likely to be relevant to my own PhD students or those whose PhD thesis I examine within the British system. Many aspects of this paper are universally true for a number of subjects and countries while some are more specific to Computing and the UK.


Motivational Modulation of On-Line Attention Control Processes

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Motivational Modulation of On-Line Attention Control Processes

Catherine Poulsen, Ph.D.
Concordia University, 2000

This thesis brings together two broad subdisciplines of psychology --
cognition and motivation -- in order to explore how motivational processes
interact on-line with cognitive mechanisms in directing human behaviour and
performance. A series of five experiments were conducted in which the Rogers
and MonseU(1995) task switching paradigm was combined with motivational
manipulations involving earned point incentives (Derryberry, 1993) to
investigate the effects of prior and current motivation on task execution,
attention switching, and inhibition. Using a leftlright button press, participants
alternated every second trial between vowel/consonant (letter task) and
evedodd (digit task) judgments in response to target-foil stimulus pairs (e-g.,
A3, G#, ?6) presented on a computer monitor. Participants responded to the
letter or ciigit target while inhibiting the competing (letter or digit) or neutral
(spbo!) foil. Task motivation was =lar+xdatec! by assigri~g p2rrfucipmts
equal or differential incentives for letter and digit task performance during an
initial training phase or during the switch task itself. Motivational incentives
were found to have a large and selective influence on attention switching,
evidenced by faster switching to the high-valued than low-valued task, but had
no effect on either simple task execution processes or the inhibition of task-set
cuing by a competing foil. In addition, prior motivational experience with
differential task incentives during training had a greater and more reliable
impact on attention switching than did current differential incentives applied
during the switch task itself. These results reveal that motivation does not
simply have a global facilitating influence on performance, but rather operates
through highly specific mechanisms to bias goal-directed behaviour. Results
are interpreted in terms of the apparent differential sensitivity to motivational
input exhibited by attention control mechanisms versus automatic, stimulustriggered processes. A finther distinction is made between implicit
motivational modulation of executive control mechanisms versus the
engagement of an optional, incentive-based performance strategy. Also
discussed are speculations regarding underlying neural mechanisms mediating
these motivational influences on attention and the potential implications of
these results for skill development and performance.



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FOR SY 2021-2022

Please click the link below to download the available LAS for SY2021-2022.


For issues and concerns regarding the LAS including lacking softcopies, please contact the concerned Education Program Supervisor.

TAKE NOTE! You must login your official DepEd Email Account to your google browser to download the files.

Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS – Learning Activity Sheets

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This is a compilation of learning activity sheets for Senior High School quarter 2 LAS, for the school year 2021-2022.


What is an activity sheet?

An activity sheet is commonly a piece of paper with questions or activities. Students can either place their answers or perform the specific activity. In addition to that, the activity sheet is also used to record the activities done by a person, a group of people, a family, or an organization. (seen on the internet)


According to, the purpose of learning activity sheets is to activity sheets provide the context and direction and importantly the process to participate in activities, link to resources and free media utilising a variety of media and publishing tools. Activity sheets can be mapped against learning outcomes and performance criteria and recontextualised by other teachers.


Quarter 2 LAS

Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS
SHS Applied Subjects
Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS: EAPP: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS: Filipino: DOWNLOAD
SHS Core Subjects
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Earth & Life Science: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Earth Science: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: General Mathematics: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Oral Communication: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Physical Science: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: UCSP: DOWNLOAD
SHS Specialized Subject
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Applied Economics: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Business Finance: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: FABM: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Organization & Management: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS: CESC: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School Quarter 2 LAS: PPG: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: General Biology: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: General Chemistry: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: General Physic: DOWNLOAD
Senior High School LAS Template: Quarter 2: Pre-Calculus: DOWNLOAD
Relative to the implementation of new normal for the incoming School Year 2020-2021, the development of the Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) shall be based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) issued by the Central Office. The uniformed template for the Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) is attached below.
Key stage 1 (Grades 1-3) learning areas shall be prepared by their own respective SDOs based on their MTB used as Methods of Teaching (MOT). Preparation of the Key Stage 2 (Grades 4-6), and Key Stage 3 (Junior HS) and Key Stage 4 (Senior HS) shall be based on the agreed distribution per grade levels. Grade level assignments and timelines of submission are attached below.
The LAS shall be utilized by learners during the home learning sessions.
Learning Activity Sheet Samples – DOWNLOAD

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